Unique film in Lynch's work. It's about good triumphing over the forces of evil, or good surviving in an entire world of evil, two innocent free spirits surrounded by equal part oddball freaks, equal part evil psychos who have their own systems of perversion, like getting of on a countdown to a guy's execution. The violence is hilarious and cartoonish. There are lot of seemingly throwaway, trashy scenes like an underrage rape and an abortion and it all ties together, it's film as a dream and all the violence and trauma is like a cartoon to the heroes and they just get on with it. Full of life and free, this film does not give a f--k and I love the excessive violence and acting, it's full of awesome, powerful scenes that are both affecting and hilarious at the same time, like the car crash girl going on about losing her wallet with her cards in it before dying. A lot of the characters seem consumed in loops and obsess over material possession for it's own sake, like Lula's evil mom wants to possess her. Also in the last act Sailor is tricked in desperation by the awesome Bobby Peru into committing armed robbery to get money when he finds out Lula's pregnant, and pays for it, but love prevails even in a world half ruled by rape, money and violence. In one scene 00 Spool tells them about his dog, and observes that they picture his dog even though he hasn't told them the "type" of dog, and show show they're still alive inside. A lot of the characters are so cartoonish and stylish they seem like objects. Amazing performances too. Best love story ever put on film. THIS is cinema.
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